Ep. No. 29, Flying Saucers are Real!!!!

We grew up In Search of…  the Mysteries of the Unknown.  For those shows–and indeed for most of the 20th Century–the arch unknown has been Alien.

So, your hosts will be talking about Aliens.  We talk a lot about how very, very similar our modern abduction narratives are to 17th Century fairy stories, and a little about how Twin Peaks concept of lodge denizens as aliens (or aliens as the lodge entities?) Heralded the modern state of the folklore.

In order to do so, it was necessary to time-travel to the beginning of human culture, tracing down the path of daylight disks and flying saucers through the ages until H.P. Lovecraft and Charles Fort hitch us to Chariots of the Gods?  The gods contained in that dog eared and yellowed paperback conveyance entice us, beckon  us on through the final and most dangerous leg of our journey toward final and horrible truth.

That truth is a gaping maw.  A yawning Stargate leading not only your hosts, but also you true believer, to fictionalization and beyond!  There, in that gulf of ultimate chaos, we have arranged for you to have a Close Encounter (kind currently unclassified) with a mysterious Blue Book crammed ever so deeply In the Mouth of Madness. A mouth constantly burbling infinite inanities in the long-lost language of….

Counter Esperanto

…Please stand by.

The Fifth Song: “From Beyond”

An overarching theme of The Weird is that some knowledge is–or should be–forbidden. That seeing into the abyss means that it’s denizens may see you, reach you, touch you… and do worse than see and touch. In various ways, Twin Peaks has always dealt with this idea. Sara Palmer, the Log Lady, and Cooper himself all found themselves seeing beyond the normal 5 senses that most humans share, and all of them have paid a steep price. The Return has gone even further, introducing devices, spaces and places that offer glimpses behind the curtains of reality, and what we have seen there has been the exact opposite of safety and mundanity.

Therefore we offer you a chance to reset your clocks 97 years into the past and witness the very first time that the foundational horror writer H.P. Lovecraft ventured to set down the facts relating to what issues, From Beyond.

The Fourth Song: “The Music of Erich Zann”

The Music of Erich Zann is a haunting reminiscence of a place found outside the normal rules of society, order and physics.

Something exists behind the high wall that only Erich Zann can see over.

Does he long to see?

Or is he afraid of the cold fire from beyond that longs to walk with him?

Like the town of Twin Peaks the Rue d’Auseil cannot be found on any map, and those who seek for it fail, unless they walk with their inner sight. We Invite you then to close your eyes in a tightly curtained room, and shudder along with us a we walk up that steep hillside street where the houses bend together like supplicants in prayer, they and we are anxiously awaiting the concert to begin.

Waiting through the long meanwhile to again catch the haunting strains of…
The Music of Erich Zann

Read by Karl Eckler the Elder.

Music and Engineering by Jubel Brosseau

Typed shownotes by a 1963 Hermes 3000:

Script for intro/outro for 20170430 show
The clatterings of Karl Eckler

The Fifth Secret: Talking Theosophically…

The Key to the Key of Theosophy, a Counter Esperanto joint.

Being a mostly Clear, although somewhat muddled Exposition, in the Form of questionable Question and improbable Answer, of the ETHICS, SCIENCE, AND PHILOSOPHY (such as they are) for the Study of which The Theosophical Society founded itself.

Also, trick riding and Owls that are not what they seem.