Ep. No. 29, Flying Saucers are Real!!!!

We grew up In Search of…  the Mysteries of the Unknown.  For those shows–and indeed for most of the 20th Century–the arch unknown has been Alien.

So, your hosts will be talking about Aliens.  We talk a lot about how very, very similar our modern abduction narratives are to 17th Century fairy stories, and a little about how Twin Peaks concept of lodge denizens as aliens (or aliens as the lodge entities?) Heralded the modern state of the folklore.

In order to do so, it was necessary to time-travel to the beginning of human culture, tracing down the path of daylight disks and flying saucers through the ages until H.P. Lovecraft and Charles Fort hitch us to Chariots of the Gods?  The gods contained in that dog eared and yellowed paperback conveyance entice us, beckon  us on through the final and most dangerous leg of our journey toward final and horrible truth.

That truth is a gaping maw.  A yawning Stargate leading not only your hosts, but also you true believer, to fictionalization and beyond!  There, in that gulf of ultimate chaos, we have arranged for you to have a Close Encounter (kind currently unclassified) with a mysterious Blue Book crammed ever so deeply In the Mouth of Madness. A mouth constantly burbling infinite inanities in the long-lost language of….

Counter Esperanto

…Please stand by.

Ep. No. 22: The 15th Secret: “Season Two, Episode One”

We’re back! Back in the Twin Peaks zone…

Some Notes on the 15th Secret of Counter Esperanto:

How is Red like a courtly fool?

Why is China back in the Twin Peaks Narrative?

Will we say something about infiltration? Will it reference Mark Fisher’s The Weird and the Eerie?

Will we find a white paper on technology in Twin Peaks?

Would we be satisfied with a user’s manual for a Spiricomm and Agent Jefferies’ teahouse handle?

A 27 hour meditation on the nature of reality, carried on during the ultimate road trip.

Many questions, few answers.  Just the way we like it, once one learns how to see the Fnords.

We also encourage you to check out the following:


Ep. No. 20 — The 14th Secret: Folklore of (and in) Twin Peaks

The holidays are holiday-rific as they say, and their multi-spectral horror and insane blandishments have had certain “insalubrious” effects upon your humble hosts.  Rallying against this tinseled terror, we present for your hopeful approval, the initial results, interpretations, commentary and tangential matters arising from Jubel’s academic study of folklore.

We asked for your help to fill out our understanding of how Peaks viewers understood and processed modern folklore, and your support and responses just blew us away.  Over a hundred of you took the time out of your day to answer a survey to a level of completeness and deep thought that I have never before witnessed–and as a former pollster, I’ve witnessed more than I can say.

Both Jubel and myself pondered how to best process your exquisite thoughts, but in the end the load was too heavy for just the two of us. We’ve therefore asked a few members of the Twin Peaks community to be surprise guests on today’s show, and they have very generously agreed.  For this reason, Michael Wilson and Caemeron Crain of the Drink Full and Descend podcast, and Eileen G. Mykkels of the 25 Years Later site deserve some seriously good slices of cake, they are fabulous human beings and incredibly knowledgeable scholars.

Thank you again for lending us your expertise and insight!

EP No. 17 — The 12th Secret: “or… ‘Technical Difficulties: Being a Cadenza in Several Parts for Resonator and Atom Bomb'”

After some major technical issues, your intrepid hosts are back and talking about Twin Peaks: The Return, with a focus on Parts 9 through 12.  True to form, we live up to the “tangents” part of our title, talking about everything from the intricacies of story structure in modern premium television, to why we love Dougie so damn much.  We discuss H.P. Lovecraft’s “From Beyond” as a key Weird text, and some intriguing parallels between that story and The Return’s approach to sound and energy as a way to split the barrier Between Two Worlds.

The 11th Secret: “A Beginning is a Very Delicate Time…”

Today, ladies and gentlemen, we will concentrate on “Eight”.

The 8th installment of Twin Peaks: The Return, we feel, will be looked on as the beginning of a new thing in the world of Television. It is also the best information we have today about the ultimate beginnings of BOB, Laura, and… Gnosticism? It’s a hot take everyone, so grab some Iced Tea and focus on our 11th secret, “A Beginning is a very delicate time…”